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JESUS ON TRIAL: The quick trial that changed the world.
Escrito por:
Lázaro Droznes
Narrado por:
Linda Fitak
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Abril 22, 2024
1 hour 0 minutes
The judgment of Jesus Christ was the most important event in the history of the West. His legend became the foundational myth of our societies. Nevertheless, the judicial process presents many questions that this work intends to solve:
What was the reason to judge Jesus in such a hurry? He was arrested at midnight, judged by the Sanhedrin during the night, by Pilate in the morning, by Herod shortly thereafter and finally, again by Pilate. At noon he was already crucified. The whole process took 12 hours in full Jewish Passover. Why did they not wait for the Passover and the Sabbath to pass judgment on Jesus? Why could not they just wait another day? What did Jesus know or do that caused so much anxiety in the Sanhedrin?
At the Roman crucifixion the corpses were left outdoors to be eaten by crows. Why Jesus was buried? Who and how did they get permission to bury him? Why was it awarded?
. The usual Roman procedure was to arrest an insurgent and all of his followers. So much so, that the apostles disappeared and hid themselves when Jesus was arrested. Peter denied 3 times in one day his relationship with Jesus. Why in the case of Jesus his followers were not persecuted?
Why were there Roman soldiers on guard at the tomb of Jesus? What were they taking care of? What were they preventing?
There is no record of amnesties at Jewish Passover festivities. It was not a Roman custom to offer the people a choice between two convicts. How did the story of Barabbas arise and spread?
The Sanhedrin had the power to judge, condemn and execute the death penalty by stoning in cases of religious crimes. Why did they decide not to do it in the case of Jesus? What were they afraid of?
Purchase your audio book now to find out our explanation for these intriguing facts in the Life and Passion of Jesus Christ!
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Lázaro Droznes
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