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Mujer, valórate: Decídete a ser una gran mujer
Escrito por:
Omayra Font
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Omayra Font
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Mayo 24, 2022
3 hours 21 minutes
Muchas mujeres tienen un problema serio de baja autoestima. Eso no les permite mirarse a sí mismas como personas competentes y capaces. Una baja autoestima paraliza a la mujer a tal punto, que no solamente se afecta su desarrollo personal, sino también sus relaciones familiares. Conocemos a las mujeres como madres y pilares de sus hogares, sin embargo, muy profundo en sus corazones tienen anhelos de crecer en otras áreas de su vida, pero se sienten menos.
Omayra Font, exitosa emprendedora internacional, te abre la puerta hacia tu grandeza personal en su libro Mujer, valórate, escrito con la autoridad y la inspiración de una mujer que ha superado grandes adversidades, y ha sabido luchar hasta lograr lo que se ha propuesto. Aprende a valorarte como la mujer que eres en verdad, y prepárate a ser quien siempre has deseado ser.
Many women have a serious problem of low self-esteem. That does not allow them to see themselves as competent and capable people. Low self-esteem paralyzes women to such an extent that not only their personal development is affected, but also their family relationships. We know women as mothers and pillars of their homes, however, very deep in their hearts have longings to grow in other areas of their lives, but they feel worthless.
Omayra Font, successful international entrepreneur, opens the door to your personal greatness in her book Mujer, valórate (Woman, Value Yourself), written with the authority and inspiration of a woman who has overcome great adversities, and has known how to fight until achieving what she was determined to achieve. Learn to value yourself as the woman you truly are, and prepare to be the one you have always wanted to be.
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